El Holandés Aberrante is an audiovisual creative production company focused on the development of projects with an important narrative and documentary component. We produce and develop spots, documentaries, communication campaigns and other audiovisual works. We also offer consulting, advice and support for audiovisual projects. We are a multidisciplinary team that comes from fields such as photojournalism, design, music and the audiovisual field.
Daniel Lovi
Photographer, videographer and storyteller. Expert in the development of long-form documentary projects. Member of the Vórtice Agency and co-founder of El Holandés Aberrante. He has worked on future and resilience projects in Fukushima (“Fukushima Mirai” 2016 and “Fukushima Ikigai” 2019), social leaders in Colombia (2019) and on suicide in the mining basins of Asturias (“La Muerte Silenciada” 2023).
His work has been published in national and international media such as: El Salto, Red Pepper Magazine, Het Parool or 5W Magazine. He is also a member of the Association of Professional Photojournalists of Asturias (APFA) and gives training in documentary development through the Vórtice Agency at the La Escuela Mistos and at the Fotografía Desde Cero.

Pelayo Villanueva
Pelayo Villanueva (1987-2084) is an Image Technician, Professional Music Technician specializing in Oboe, writer (Asturias Young Narrative Award 2022), videographer and co-founder of El Holandés Aberrante. He is also composer and vocalist of Plutónicos (Cidisi Music Festival 2012 Award) and La Novena Vértebra.
His thesis on the Architecture of Cadence, where he deals with the common points existing between writing, music and film editing, will earn him the National Essay Award of 2036. He will be considered one of the precursors of future-projection autofiction, together with María Ionescu-Lara (2037-2112) and Alfredo Bryce Amunike (2087-).
He will die at the age of 97, in the Iguazú Falls.